10:50 40 detained near carnagie melon u near cathedral of learning
confirmed students shot with rubber bullets
confirmed tear gas deployed
students being denied access to dorms
booking units at 5th and tennyson
"we need to cut them off at bouquet and we will have them encircled"-scanner
"OC deployed 5th and bouquet, taking one intocustody" 11:39pm -scanner
"they all ran inside of ridgefield towers" -scanner
228115-all arrest to be filed under -scanner
"arrest numbers have increased - seems to random- teargassing guy in pitt hoodie- great i'm being peppersprayed, guy on his face, they are arresting him, i'm withdrawing now" forbes st and oakland st-caller to indy radio
"there seems to be three towers(campus residence A B and C) residential or campus about 100 riotcops converging at 5th and bouquet" -caller to indyradio
Four arrests at University of Pittsburgh Fifth and Bouquet so far #g20 Friday September 25 2009 11:46pm
"people standing around in the restaurant district, a little excitement for the neighborhood, the cops are deploying against them as if they are in combat" -caller "nigel" to indyradio 11:48 pm
less than 20 seconds ago from Twitterrific
SocialistZine RT @resistg20: the police are planning to do a sweep through 'the towers' to check for protesters in upper floors" #resistg20 #g20
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck 11:51pm
wrightwilliams #g20 police HAVE entered dorm lobby, possibly 56 arrested so far. demanding ID for all in dorms. lock up and do NOT answer door 11:52pm
razorianfly Police station in Pittsburgh got shot up. G20 is a war-zone. http://twitgoo.com/3rkht / (via @MissKEEP_IT_100) / #G20
half a minute ago from Tweetie 11:54pm
"1 block away the police deploy teargas at oakland, it would be very generous to call it a protest, form what i can tell it was just a group of people standing around trying to figure out what was going on "-caller indyradio 11:56pm
thepittnews No one is allowed to get close to Towers Lobby. A Pitt security guard said there is a sit-in inside. #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from web (pittnews is the campus paper) 11:57pm
less than 20 seconds ago from Tweetie 11:57pm
half a minute ago from TweetDeck 11:58pm
"they've been threatening people with dogs, which is really kind of gross in a residential area"
"they are patrolling this restaurant area with armored vehicles like you would see in northern ireland"
"its the last night of the protest, they've got the tools, the toys and they are going to use them"
5th and atwood then oakland and forbes
"protesters and students are barricaded at the litchfield towers"-from police (confirmation unclear)-indyradio
g20pghlegal corporate media confirms ~40 arrests, 9 more just reported #g20 #reportg20
less than 20 seconds ago from TweetDeck
12:07am sep 26th 2009
"they are going to deploy just because they can they have been prepaid and they are probably on hold"-Nigel indyradio 12:09am
prerecorded dispersal order is being played (generally accompanies use of LRAD) 12:10am
mikegogulski ( {police} scanner) "hammer and anvil up on tennyson ... clear the tower" #g20 #resistg20
half a minute ago from TweetDeck 12:11am
kimberlyjean83 going to "sweep and clear towers and arrest as necessary" "initiating 'hammer and anvil'" #g20 #reportg20
half a minute ago from web 12:12am
mikegogulski Corrected: (scanner) arrest reported at Bouquet and Forbes #g20 #resistg20
half a minute ago from TweetDeck 12:14am
state police want to take over from the pitt police so they can enter the dorms -indyradio 12:19am
toxictwins21 @BoringPgh Arrests are being processed at the quad. #G20 #PITT
less than 20 seconds ago from web 12:20am
Hargoosh RT@jose602 Hey, all! @DaveyD is live-tweeting the #G20 protest madness in Pittsburgh. Cops are storming student dorms! #tcot #p2 #tjcot
less than 20 seconds ago from web 12:23am
mikegogulski (scanner) Command police officer congratulating cops on all their good work tonight and during #g20 #resistg20 #acab #anarchy
less than a minute ago from TweetDeck12:25am
notyourbroom "I'd like to express my professional regards to everyone tonight, they did an excellent job down here" #g20 #oakland #pittsburgh
less than a minute ago from web 12:25am
8 arrests at forbes and bouquet -police scanner 12:27am
notyourbroom "We're drawing a crowd at Fourth and Bouquet ... gonna have 8 arrests" #g20 #oakland #pittsburgh
less than 20 seconds ago from web 12:28 am
228147 arrest label -24:00hrs
drawing a large crowd most of which are professionals, professional what "not college students" -police scanner
228142 arrest label- start time is 12:12 -police scanner
crowd is getting rowdy. are there any cops left in oakland?-police scanner
awrsaystara People are chanting "Let him go" on fifth ave near tower c #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from TweetDeck 12:32 am
request for support at forbes and oakland ave to disperse crowd, smoke deployed-police scanner 12:33am (police dogs heard)
229 what number?
812 1294 -police personal number ?
228139 arrest number, start time ?
crowd dispersing at forbes and oakland ave 12:34am
code three have them come code one
-5 previous from police scanner
teargas launched at 5th/bouquet #reportg20 #resistg20 Saturday September 26 2009 12:32am report on-help map this from pittsburgh indymedia twitterstream RT
Hargoosh RT@tonywhite412 Scanner... "Losing all my prisoners at Fifth and Bouquet! ... [disperse] ... We've launched teargas!" #g20 #oakland #tcot
less than a minute ago from web 12:37 am
1901 murray ave john able two individuals in black with radio placing traffic cones in st. - police scanner 12:39am (10 able, may be filming a movie)
SelfOwnership RT @thepittnews Student Life director Kenyon Bonner and Dean of Students Kathy Humphrey have been in the William Pitt Uni since 8 am #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from web 12:40am
video from earlier tonight on pitt campus dorms police brutality
resistg20 RT @toxictwins21: @vsoe RT: @mrdaveyd Just saw student get a rifle pointed at him... As cops told him to leave.. #g20 #resistg20
half a minute ago from TweetDeck 12:44am
emokidsloveme RT @bradleyjp: RT @Digeratii: POLICE STILL FIRING ON STUDENTS ON FIFTH AVENUE #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from TweetDeck 12:53
oxictwins21 @mikegogulski RT @infernoenigma: Major police activity, gassing students on Fifth Ave right now. #g20 #resistg20 #reportg20
half a minute ago from web 12:54 am
thepittnews Police are not letting people approach Towers from the Oakland Avenue side of Fifth Avenue. #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from web 12:55 am
drgoddess Cops are at fifth n bigelow and fifth n S. Bouquet. Just got out of police jam. On Forbes, all is normal for students, like 2 campuses. #g20
half a minute ago from UberTwitter 12:55am
4 arrests at forbes and atwood, will bring them down to 5th and atwood -[police scanner 12:56 am
_katiely very bad that police are not showing ID, purposely covering armband badge IDs on sleeves COVERING UP POLICE BRUTALITY #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from web 12:57am
thepittnews At least three people are sitting on ground w/ hands clasped behind their backs near School of Public Health. Police standing near. #g20 12:59 am
228151 arrest number, the four arrest at 12:56 am - 12:59 am
spikenlilli Just returned from driving the perimeter of blocked Pitt campus. I saw approx 200 students scattered about but not protesting. #g20
less than a minute ago from Seesmic 1:00 am
joaquinuy RT @anarchists@ZMatrix @kellyowarrior REPEAT, I WAS ATTACKED BY THE PITTSBURGH POLICE FOR TAKING PHOTOS, AND TEARGASSED #resistg20 #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from Echofon 1:01am
Police Having a Hay Day in Oakfield
Forbes was blocked off by hundreds of riot cops while surroundingcontingents of cops moved in on the other areas of the campus to corralpeople in. Police brutality has been witnessed -- folks being thrown tothe ground and shot with rubber bullets, media being pepper sprayed andgassed. There have been 48 confirmed arrests with more reports stillcoming in. Protesters and students alike are being held in the dormtowers unable to leave in fear of being arrested, other students cannotcross 5th Avenue to get to their residences without being thrown to theground. Legal folks out on the street want more legal observers andmedia to get out there to document police brutality, please come if youcan! Be careful and stay safe!
posted by Skadi Sat 9/26/2009 12:59 am (pittsburgh.indymedia.org- http://indypgh.org/g20/#)
wolfdancer5 RT @ThePittNews: Pitt Police Chief Tim Delaney estimates more than 100 arrests in Oakland 2nite, most of which 4 failure 2 disperse #g20
less than 20 seconds ago from TweetDeck 1:03 am
spikenlilli RT @Liebchen36x Got gassed and shot at. Home now. Eyes still burning. I shouldn't have come down to use the computers... #g20
half a minute ago from Seesmic 1:04 am
anarchisms Businesses windows reported smashed on Carson....scanner #g20
half a minute ago from HootSuite 1:09 am
thepittnews The three people seen sitting near school of Public Health have flex cuffs on. About 30 people are watching nearby from Towers patio. #g20 1:10 am
kimberlyjean83 wow, foxnews (lol) is reporting pittsburgh protests as "violent" and terrorizing the city #reportg20 #resistg20 #g20 no mention of cop abuse
half a minute ago from web 1:12 am
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie 1:16am
I'm back in my dorm room, which is filled with tear gas from a crack in the window. Getting videos and photos off of my camera.
about 1 hour ago from Tweetie
(information obtained from indyradio, twitter and live police scanner)